
Saturday, November 6, 2010

How the Spark Plug Tell Us about Our Car Engine Condition

The Spark PlugThere are some ways to know the condition of our car engine. Noticing the spark plug is one way that we can do. The color and state of spark plug actually tell us about the condition of our car engine. And hopefully you are not a super-busy man so that you will have time on Sunday to open the spark plug of your car. When you have already opened the spark plug, please notice the color and observe the following instructions:
Brown: The spark plug may work normally, but there are slight brown signs in the electrode. That means, the busi is approaching its lifetime limit. It is better for you to replace with the new one.
Yellowish: The engine is overheated so that the engine’s pressure and temperature rises extremely. Please check the engine cooling devices.
Obsolete: There are a little pile like a crust on the spark plug electrode. That means, the busi has been condemned and you need to replace with the new one.
Reddish: You do not find any crust, but the electrode layer peeling with reddish color. That means, the machine is overheated. Please check the engine cooling devices and also the heat range code.
Coral: There are a heap of charred crust and colored electrode. That means, the fuel’s setting is not correct. Please check the supply of gasoline, including other electrical devices.
Melt: The electrode looks burnt and melts caused by incorrect heat range of the spark plug. A leak in the engine component that makes lubricant also burned in the engine room.
Thick crust: The poor fuel consumption causes a pile like a crust on the spark plug electrode and the head. A leak in the seals on the valve that causes lubricant seeped in through the spark plug.
Wet: There is a residual lubricant on the electrode and the head caused by engine detonation. You need to check the ignition timing or use the fuel in accordance with the specifications of the engine.
Crooked: The piston has hit the spark plug so that the electrode attaches the head. Please check the internal components of the engine.
Stuttering: The car is stalled or sudden death. The possibility of coil hot car. Please turn off the engine immediately and compress coil with wet mop.
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