
Saturday, November 6, 2010

How to Expel Trapped Air from Your Car Radiator

Expel Trapped Air from Your Car Radiator
Water-cooling system functions to maintain the hot temperature of engine. It is used in almost all modern automobile. The water itself can deliver the heat from generating sources to the final disposal. So, water is like the “blood” of engine.
Car RadiatorHowever, sometimes air bubbles present in the path of cooling water. It can disturb the incoming air pressure inside the system, so that the cooling water is fail to function and the engine becomes overheated. Overheating engine is of course very risky and dangerous to the engine itself.
When the radiator cap is opened, air can enter easily. Air exists between radiator cap and surface water. But, if the radiator cap condition is not good, it can also makes the air to exist. When the radiator is heat, there is a functioning valve air that flows from the reservoir tank, and there is a sucking water from the reservoir to the radiator when it is cold.
The steps to expel trapped air:
  1. Be certain that the engine’s temperature is in a cold state.
  2. You need to open the radiator cap, and turn on the machine to activate water circulation. And then, pour the water into the mouth of the radiator until it is full.
  3. You have to cover again with a perfect radiator.
  4. The next step is to open the lid air discharger.
  5. Please notice the water that is coming out of valve. If you find scum, it shows that the cooling path still contains with air. Keep doing this process until you find that the coming out water is without foam.
  6. The last step, be certain that the amount of water in the tube reservoir reserves is in maximum limit. So, you need to check it out.
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