When Mercedes-Benz began, the car made an impact when they hit the racetrack. Mercedes-Benz is known as an innovator committed to bringing the highest level of performance for the consumer. With the car 2010 Mercedes-Benz Concept BIOMA, Mercedes-Benz wanted to spread its vision of being in complete Zen with nature.
The vehicle was designed as a hybrid organic produce their own oxygen. The car runs on biofuel nectar that comes from nature, and be fully in harmony with nature in all aspects.
The concept may be far from BIOME update, but the ideal of being green is not far from the chosen standard of the masses. If the car every time it does so in mass production, something that future owners will appreciate is their biodegradability and low maintenance costs.
The 2010 Mercedes-Benz BIOMA could be what the future lies in the eyes of Mercedes-Benz.