Front accessories disconnection
Part 1. Preparation and safety
Objective - Disconnect and remove the radiator and any accessories required to remove the engine.

Personal safety
Whenever you perform a task in the workshop you must use personal protective clothing and equipment that is appropriate for the task and which conforms to your local safety regulations and policies. Among other items, this may include:
- Work clothing - such as coveralls and steel-capped footwear
- Eye protection - such as safety glasses and face masks
- Ear protection - such as earmuffs and earplugs
- Hand protection - such as rubber gloves and barrier cream
- Respiratory equipment - such as face masks and valved respirators
Safety check
- Make sure that you understand and observe all legislative and personal safety procedures when carrying out the following tasks. If you are unsure of what these are, ask your supervisor.
- Use a suitable container under the vehicle to collect any remaining coolant.
- Double check that all the lines and hoses on the top and front of the motor have been disconnected.
Part 2: Step-by-step instruction
- Disconnect the radiator
Disconnect the bottom radiator hose, but after you have drained the radiator there will still be some coolant in it, so make sure there is a container underneath when you remove the hose.
With an automatic transmission there may be transmission cooling lines connected to the radiator. Open these lines with a flair nut wrench and let them bleed. Use a different container to catch this oil-based transmission fluid so that is does not mix with the water-based coolant, as they will need to be disposed of differently. Rubber or vinyl plugs on the ends of these lines will help stop drips. - Remove the fan shroud
The fan shroud is usually in the way, so disconnect it, and either push it back over the fan, or if you can, remove it from the engine bay completely. - Remove the radiator
Most radiator brackets are held in place with only a few bolts. Remove these and lift the radiator up and out, but make sure that your coolant container is back underneath the vehicle, because there may still be some coolant leakage from the bottom.
Put the radiator bracket bolts back where they came from on the car. - Remove other accessories
If you plan to remove the engine with the transmission attached, then you should remove as many front accessories as you can to make more room to maneuver the engine. If you intend to disconnect the transmission first, this may not be necessary.
To remove the fan, loosen all the belt-driven accessories and pull off the fan and water pump pulley. If the fan belts are reusable, tape them together in the order they came off, and mark them with an arrow pointing to the front of the engine. If there is a power steering pump, remove it from its bracket and if you can, use a piece of wire to suspend it somewhere out of the way. This is easier than disconnecting the hoses connecting it to the steering box. - Check all top linkages
Double check that all the lines and hoses on the top and front of the motor have been disconnected. Check the sides of the engine as well.