
Tuesday, November 23, 2010


With everyone convinced that the future of the car magazine is set to move entirely online, viewable on iPads or smartphones, it's great to see that paper has no intention of giving up. This month a new magazine has hit the bookstands in Japan, aimed at classic car aficionados and general car enthusiasts that appreciate vintage machinery.
The name is Kyushajin, directly translated as "Classic Car People," and for at least its first year in print it will be sold as a "mook," a kind of book with a similar layout of a magazine. They are planning on doing four volumes per year.

Each number will be dedicated to a specific car, with Vol.1 starting off with the Skyline. A big emphasis of this publication is on the quality of the photography and a quick flick through its thick, glossy, beautifully printed pages reveals some nicely shot cars like this 2-door Hakosuka GT-R.

On top of a ton of feature cars, there is a look back at the racing history of the Skyline and GT-R, a nice technical section looking at some popular engine tuning configurations...

...and some other interesting upgrades. One of the most interesting stories is how someone has found a perfectly preserved 2000 GT-R, chassis number KPGC10-000011, tucked away in a barn. If you spot it at your local Japanese magazine import shop pick one up, or since Kyushajin is published by San-ei Shobo, the same people that give us Option, Rev Speed, Drift Tengoku and G-Works every month, you may be able to order it via their overseas shipping section.

San-ei Shobo

-Dino Dalle Carbonare
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