Ed Pink Racing Engines Announces New OwnershipLegendary race engine builder, Ed Pink recently announced the sale of Ed Pink Racing Engines (EPRE) to successful businessman, vintage racecar collector and racer Tom Malloy, who also owns Trench Shoring Company.“It’s funny how things happen,” said Tom Malloy. “I became acquainted with Ed’s operation as EPRE was re-building a big block engine for my Can-Am car. I noticed the attention to details and the ability to do all the work necessary in house. That impressed me.“I knew of Ed’s interest in selling the business and became more interested as the rebuild went along – some months later we did the deal.” He continued. “I am thrilled about the sale and Ed wanting to stay on. EPRE has a spectacular history, which now I get to share in. I look forward to working with Ed, Frank and the rest of the EPRE team as we enter this next chapter together.”Founded in 1958, EPRE has enjoyed success in nearly every form of motorsports over the past 50 years.“I have enormous respect for Tom, both personally and professionally,” said Pink. “Our common goal is to ensure the future of the company, our employees and our customers. I feel confident that this transfer of ownership accomplishes this objective.”With a reputation for producing only the highest quality racing engines, EPRE will continue to operate according to the exacting standards established by its founder. General Manager, Frank Honsowetz, who joined the company in 2001, after a 27-year career with Nissan North America will continue day-to-day operational oversight under the new ownership.EPRE moved to its current Van Nuys, California location in 1965 and employs a 13-member staff, with an average 17 years of service. While Pink plans to continue as an active employee for the foreseeable future, he is quick to share the credit for his success with his employees.“Because my name is on the building, I have been personally credited with the many accomplishments of EPRE,” said Pink. “The truth is, our success has been a result of a strong team – a team that will continue to provide the best possible service for our customers.”
Ed Pink Racing Engines (EPRE) powered race results:EPRE prepared Toyota engine powers Dave Steele to victory for 9-RacingDave Steele drove his Toyota powered #91 9-Racing to an easy win at the 2007Copper Classic held in November at Phoenix International Raceway. Steele drove to the front and held off the field for several restarts late in the race. The 2007 Copper Classic was held in conjunction with the Nascar event at Phoenix.Steele credited the performance of his Ed Pink Toyota for the win. Steele gave Toyota it’s first win in USAC National Midget Racing with a victory at the engine’s debut race also at the one mile Phoenix International Raceway.
Dave Darland and 9-Racing win Turkey Night GP with EPRE ToyotaDave Darland drove the Ed Pink Toyota powered 9-Racing #9 to victory at the 2007 Turkey Night GP held at Irwindale Speedway. Darland virtually led the entire 98 lap race after taking the race lead early from his 9-Racing teammate Kody Swanson. Swanson was running second to Darland in his Ed Pink powered #19 at the race half way point when his car was damaged by flying debris from an on-track accident.This was Darland’s first win at the famous annual race held on Thanksgiving night.
EPRE produces and sells the highest quality engine performance parts, including our dry sump oil pumps and water pumps.
EPRE also conducts engine design and development on a large variety of engines. Recent projects have included 4 valve engines developed for sports car road racing and 4 valve engines developed for off road truck racing.
The sports car racing engines have included the integration of the engine’s original equipment variable camshaft timing system to control the position of the race spec intake camshaft. These particular race engines also utilize a dual path intake tract system that has been tuned to optimize the engine’s overall performance. Both of these electronically operated systems are controlled by the engine’s special ECU. The successful and rapid development of challenging projects is the trademark of EPRE.
Other engine projects at EPRE vary from the rebuilding and updating of 900hp turbocharged race engines for GTP vintage racing and Cosworth DFV Formula One engines for vintage racing to the design evaluation of a motorcycle engine and contributing to the development of road racing engines for use in South America.
EPRE regularly produces a large quantity of high performance oil pumps as well as designing and producing special oil and water pumps for every type of application including Indy Cars.
Ed Pink Racing Engines (EPRE) is one of America's premier auto racing engine building, testing design and development facilities.
EPRE currently builds and develops championship winning race engines, as well as the production and sale of the highest quality engine performance pa
Monday, November 1, 2010
Ed Pink Racing Engines Announces New Ownership
Ed Pink Racing Engine