
Friday, October 22, 2010

2010 NAS Oceana Airshow - Shockwave Jet Truck

Shockwave Jet Truck Nighttime Run 2010 NASOceana Airshow Naval Air Station Oceana Virginia Beach, Virginia Friday September 17, 2010 IN THIS VIDEO, Kent Shockley fires up the Shockwave Jet Truck for a nighttime run down Runway 5L at NAS Oceana. Shockwave is a fan favorite as well as a regular at the NAS Oceana Airshow. If you are interested in purchasing DVDs of specific aircraft and/or of airshows, interested in anything and everything related to airshows (where the jet teams will show up, all airshow performers, airshow reports from airshows I have attended, previews of airshows I will be attending, etc.), a much more easier to navigate “version” of all of my videos, and/or everything there is related to aviation – including spotting guides to my favorite airports and military bases and aircraft factfiles, please take the time to check out Steve’s Airshow World at .
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